Translated stubs from the Doxology Helios

Evelynn Black

Ecclesiastic stub, unaffiliated, #24, p 512 verso

(Apoplexy) Having, of course, it is said numerous mouths, maws, openings of teeth, we put
aside  complexity, preserving of these merely the aperture over & over, or how we sought the
sun, or  the clarity of a cold day to advance around us a murmer of the name of god, of a
stoppage in the  arteries of the brain, out of autumn it is said again no thing opens but the sky. &
so? In the cold  air we bristle all over.

Ecclesiastical stub, damnation # 6, p 153 recto

Under the April moon, choice roses bloom. The volition of M, who in her self-imposed
divinity,  imparts little but dissonance to us. Among those in keeping with the ecclesiastical
traditions  passed down, we do not so much sleep as we do hold consciousness in escrow.  It is
without pleasure that we continue ourselves in this. As with all things, damnation is never
sought, only won.

Marginalia, p 153 recto

about what you were saying: i think your symbols lack in haste.
be sure: there is no true reunion between sound & chatter

Ecclesiastical stub, divinity, #12, p. 472, verso

Consider the un-ontic & the thirst thereof for the spring of deity. The following things may
be  considered:

  1. Divine aphasia & the throat & tongue – anaphylactic – anaphora.
  2. The supreme anhedonia of Christ, set forth in the treatise of 237
  3. How synalgic under heaven [missing], until heady clouds gather & we are without the
    history of our need. & to be without it is to be without beginning & hence without end &
    thus divinity springs forth from lack & lack only.
  4. To believe that you must strangle desire is to misunderstand the synaptic [trans. error?]
    message flooding forth : : desire is nothing more than the chatter of god : : it is to see her
    without theodolite : : to see or be seen : : to see by sound : : cf. galax/aster,
  5. To chatter is the final nature of god.

Evelynn Black received her MFA in poetry from Cornell University, and is at work on a book about light, a book about schizophrenia, and the papers of a cult. Her writing has appeared in Empty Mirror, Mookychick, The Seattle Review, and other publications. You can find her on Blue Sky at